by Claudia Wert ’17
We, the Deplorables of the United States of America, do pledge our unwavering support for the Republican presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump.
We wholeheartedly believe that America is the greatest nation on earth, and enshrined in its foundation are the fundamental rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Our American spirit is defined by experimentation, independence, and an unquenchable thirst for success. Yet there is a war for the soul of this great nation. Donald Trump is fighting the establishment forces that would surrender America to the false song of globalism. He is fighting the unethical bureaucrats in Washington, to protect our economic prosperity, to restore our international standing, and to defend our sovereign borders.
For too long, American success has been mired in the swamp of inbred bureaucratic depravity that is Washington, D.C. Freedom fighters, like James O’Keefe of Project Veritas and Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, have revealed the length of collusion between crony capitalists, foreign entities, and the Washington elite. Scandals such as “Pay to Play,” EmailGate, FileGate, and the Benghazi affair have shaken the American people’s confidence in our entrenched ruling elite.
The article “Trump’s Ethic Reform Proposal Wins Praise from Nevertrump Senator,” written by Derek Hunter in the Daily Caller, speaks to the these solutions the Republican candidate can provide our country.
Donald Trump’s ethics reform proposal lays out a clear five-point solution. First, he proposes a “‘ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government for five years after they leave government service.’” Additionally, he requests that “Congress pass the same lobbying ban on itself and Congressional staffers.” The rest of the article gives more insight to the rest of Trump’s plan with regard to these issues.
America prides itself on its economic success. Our $18.5 trillion economy constitutes 24.5 percent of the Gross World Product. We have such potential and growth already within our midst— that of booming infrastructure, plentiful natural resources, rapid technological innovation, and a creative populace.
Wilbur Ross, a private-equity investor and his colleague, Peter Navarro, an academic, penned an article for the Wall Street Journal explaining the benefits of his economic plan.
“In our dynamic scoring of Mr. Trump’s plan, we found that the positive revenue offsets from increased growth derived from reduced regulatory burdens, lower energy costs and the elimination of the U.S. trade deficit amount to $2.4 trillion,” said Ross and Navarro.
The most controversial aspect of the Trump platform is his unwavering commitment to defend America’s sovereign borders. His plan to “build a wall” to stem the tide of illegal immigration has detractors slandering him as a “racist.” Yet, Trump strongly believes that America owes a debt of gratitude to immigrants.
“We’ve admitted 59 million immigrants to the United States between 1965 and 2015…Many of these arrivals have greatly enriched our country. But we now have an obligation to them, and to their children, to control future immigration—as we have following previous immigration waves—to ensure assimilation, integration, and upward mobility.”
His 10-step plan for immigration reform not only calls for a zero-tolerance policy toward illegals, but an end for funding to sanctuary cities, and “to triple the number of ICE deportation officers.” The goal is to preserve, protect, and defend the American populace against those who would come to do us harm.
Due to our attempts to end the crime of defending our sovereign borders, oppose corruption in our national leadership, object to oppressive “regulatory burdens,” and fight for American values, we have been labeled a “basket of deplorables.” America, and the world in general, is heading down a dangerous path.
In the 2016 election, we have a choice.
The American people can surrender to the liberal establishment who would change the very nature of our country, or they can reject the status quo and stand up for the right to self-determination and prosperity. We the deplorables, of the United States of America, will go to the polls on Nov. 8 to fight to make America great again.