GRAPHIC: Kaitlyn Patterson '20
Ghosts and ghouls and goblins, oh my! With the spookiest day of the year right around the corner, there may be an extra chill in the air. Whether you can’t stand the thought of anything scary or your middle name is “Spooky,” Halloween can be a fun time to explore the weird, the mystical and the downright strange.
Before hitting the town with all your favorite witches, have a listen to these songs to get you in the mood for some tricks and treats.
“Burn The Witch” by Radiohead
Off of their ninth studio album, Radiohead’s “Burn The Witch” will take you on a journey, perhaps a dark one. The eerie tones of the violins throughout this song may cause you to look over your shoulder when you walk home at night, or under your bed just before you go to sleep.
“Disturbia” by Rihanna
Doubling as a spooky tune and a classic throwback, this song will keep you dancing all night long. Bop to this song to get in the Halloween feel without getting too creeped out by whatever may be lurking outside your window.
“Voodoo in My Blood” by Massive Attack ft. Young Fathers
Bringing some hip hop into the mix, “Voodoo in My Blood” will make you feel uncomfortable in all the right ways. The suspenseful deep tones throughout the song will give you fears you never knew you had. If you’re in for an even more immersive experience, pair the tune with the music video.
“Zombie” by The Cranberries
On a more realistic side, the Cranberries’ “Zombie” explores the idea of conflict and violence. The powerful ballad and howls throughout the song remind us of the pain experienced by those who face conflict everyday. While it’s fun to explore all things terrifying during the spooky season, it’s important to recognize the real horrors that are faced by people throughout the world today.
“Monster” by Lady Gaga
This song serves up some classic Gaga as well as some spooky vibes. “Monster” pairs well with the car ride down the dark, windy road that leads to some treats. Or maybe some tricks? You’ll have to get to the end to find out.
“Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)” by David Bowie
It’s hard to be scared of monsters when David Bowie sings about them. With a catchy guitar rhythm throughout the tune, it’s hard not to dance, no matter what costume you’re in. Play this song at a Halloween party and you’re definitely in for a treat.
Follow this link to listen to the playlist on Spotify.