Why centering Black trauma is harmful
It is important for us to be mindful of how we celebrate Black history year round, but particularly during Black History Month.
Oftentimes, Black history is centered around the trauma and suffering that has been inflicted on Black Americans. While it is crucial that we educate ourselves on this important part of American history, it should not be the sole focus of Black History Month.
Black trauma constantly being highlighted is not celebratory. On the contrary: it is harmful.
Treating Black Americans’ pain as vehicles for white awareness of racism is dehumanizing and exploitative, and this trauma should not be reduced as a means to assuage white guilt. The current American education system focuses on the erasure of many aspects of Black history, and should instead seek to highlight all that this community has achieved.
It can also be extremely traumatizing for Black Americans to constantly see and hear graphic depictions of slavery and police brutality. It’s mentally exhausting, and studies have shown racial PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) can come from this.
As a way of combating this, many Black content creators on social media platforms have shared ways to celebrate Black History Month, such as acknowledging Black trauma but focusing on Black joy.
We should celebrate Black History Month by uplifting Black communities, Black culture and Black achievements. There are so many ways to do this, from supporting Black-owned businesses and restaurants, to educating ourselves, to donating to Black-owned organizations.
In a country and an institution where whiteness is centered, it is important to continuously work toward deconstructing the mantle of white supremacy. That means creating a network of allyship that isn’t performative and contingent on praise and reward, but doing so because it is what’s needed.
While Black History Month is not the only time we should be educating ourselves and supporting the Black community, it is crucial we take time this month to stop centering Black history around trauma. American history is Black history.