It was a nice house. The lights would flicker when you used the blow dryer, and the smoke alarm went off every time we cooked, but it was a nice house. And with that house came Sarah.
It was a quaint townhouse. We had mice for a while, and the heat would crank up way too high, but it was a quaint townhouse. And with that townhouse came Emma.
It was a good apartment. There was a major dent in the wall from when the previous tenants made an indoor water slide, but it was a good apartment. And with that apartment came Meghan.
It was a cute dorm room. It was permanently dusty, and the concrete walls were somehow too thin, but it was a cute dorm room. And with that dorm room came Nicole.
Sarah, the sound of your giggles will forever be engraved into my brain and replay on a loop. You have a way of spilling positivity into every room you walk in. You are unapologetically you, and that inspires me each and every day.
Emma, who doesn’t have a single judgmental bone in her body, I will forever cherish the light you bring into everyone’s lives. Your sound mind will always be the one I confide in. You continue to make your mark on the world and will flourish wherever the wind blows you.
Meghan, who will ask me how my day was and genuinely want to know. The authentic kindness you have for everyone and everything cannot help but shine through you. You are the life of every party, even when that party is just a lazy afternoon at home.
Nicole, who stuck with me through it all. My first friend in college, who I credit in guiding my way. You have it. And whatever “it” is I’ll never know, but you are a passionate driving force in this world that never fails to give me a good laugh.
I would say that I would travel to the ends of the earth for you all, but we’ve already made our way around the globe together. Here’s to more trips around the sun with you all.
Nicole, Meghan, Emma and Sarah; I’ve asked a lot of you over the years. To hold my hand through my pitfalls, to hold my hair back, to clean up my messes, to make messes with me.
But now I ask one final favor of you: hold onto the memories. And in return, I will hold onto you.
This may be the last time we share a house together, but you four will always be my home. Thank you for these four years, it’s been a wild ride.