Why showing our planet love and caring for it is essential
There once was a planet. She was beautiful, with sparkling blue waters, gorgeous green mountains, luscious fields of every kind of plant imaginable and all kinds of creatures roaming her endless lands. Among these creatures was something different; something more intelligent. They were called humans. The planet had a lot to offer her inhabitants and they were grateful. Water, minerals, resources, land; the humans took and took and took. The planet was happy to give, but she began to grow weak. Now her waters are not quite as sparkling, her mountains less green, her fields paved over and her lovely creatures endangered.
Yes, I am talking about planet Earth, and it’s time to step up and realize what we are doing to it. Living on this beautiful planet is one thing every human has in common, yet we fight over land and resources and overlook the destruction we cause. Nothing breaks my heart more than to see smoke flooding the skies and trash carelessly tossed on the ground. I always wonder, when did we decide to treat our planet this way?
Something that gives so much, like a mother to her children, is sucked dry of her resources and will one day be abandoned.
As the next generation enters society, we must take charge and focus on the importance of maintaining a more sustainable lifestyle. The first step is being informed. April has Earth Day, and it’s mission is to bring awareness to the necessity of caring for our planet. Earth Day is on April 22, and I encourage you to take advantage of opportunities to educate yourself and your friends on being environmentally conscious. Even if you think it’s pointless to do even the small things, it is so important to learn about our changing climate and realize how critical Earth’s condition is. As fellow inhabitants of this planet, we do have the power to take care of it. It is up to us to make the change and the first step is knowing how to do so.
Change is not going to happen overnight, nor can we reverse climate change, but with enough support and motivation, the smallest actions can make a huge impact on the quality of our planet.
Recycling, composting, turning the water off while you brush your teeth, turning off the lights when you leave a room, carpooling and so many other simple activities add up and make a big difference. With a mindful and conscious attitude toward how we treat the planet and a unified focus, we can fight for a more sustainable society. Through these actions, change can and will be made.
The official Earth Day may be one day out of the year, but as the planet we call home, Earth should be celebrated and cherished every day. We have the power to make a change, so let’s start by showing the Earth a little more love.