Syllabus week is over. Your classes are in full swing. What now?
Your first year can be confusing. You’re in an unfamiliar space, meeting so many new people and getting used to a new routine. If you’re feeling lost, don’t worry. St. Joe’s has many resources available to help you navigate your first semester!
Office of Learning Resources
The Office of Learning Resources offers many services to help students develop skills they can use throughout their college career.
Peer Tutoring matches you with a trained peer who has earned an “A” in the class you would like assistance with. Tutoring sessions are free and are offered in both one-on-one and small group settings.
A Learning Strategies Consultation can help you prepare to take tests and give you tips on studying, time management and stress management.
College Transition Coaching allows students to spend their first semester working one-on-one with a professional coach to construct a learning plan that will help them use appropriate strategies and successfully complete their coursework. All coaches have a master’s degree in education or a related field, and sessions are 50 minutes. Students can meet with their coach up to two times a week. The program costs $1,100/semester to have sessions once a week and $2,200/semester to have sessions twice a week. An application is required, and financial support is available.
Writing Center
The Writing Center provides free assistance and advice for writers. Whether you’re struggling to finish an essay or would like to round out a story, the Writing Center can guide you in the right direction. The Writing Center has locations on the Hawk Hill campus in Merion Hall 162 and Post Learning Commons (PLC) 128, and a location in Athletic/Recreation Center (ARC) 207 on the University City campus. Appointments can also be made online, both synchronously and asynchronously.
The Success Center
The Success Center offers a wide assortment of specific support programs for first-year students, student-athletes, students with disabilities and students struggling to keep up with their coursework.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
CAPS offers free counseling and therapy sessions in both individual and group settings. The CAPS office can be found in Merion Gardens at the Hawk Hill campus, in Whitecar Hall at the UCity campus and in the Health and Wellness Suite at the Lancaster Campus. They also host pop-ups across both campuses.
HawkHUB is a basic needs pantry of food and personal products available for free to all students. Non-perishable foods like noodles, canned meat and cereal, and hygiene items, such as period products, shampoo and deodorant can be picked up in Merion Hall 162 and PLC 129 at the Hawk Hill Campus and in ARC 207 at the UCity campus.
Career Closet
The Career Closet is a service on the Hawk Hill campus that provides students, faculty and staff with professional clothing, free of charge, that caters to all gender expressions. They also offer spaces to try on clothes. The Career Closet is open Monday-Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the second floor of the Women’s Center on Lapsley Lane.
University Events Calendar
Looking for something to do on campus? The University Events Calendar has a list of events happening soon. Attend a sports game or a Hawk Hill Productions event with your friends, or go alone and meet some new people!
Your first year of college is an exciting time, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. If you feel like you’re drowning in homework or are struggling to balance classes and activities, remember to take a step back and reach out to a service that could help you overcome this. Take care of yourself, and have a great first year!