Photo by Luke Malanga ’20.
26 reasons why you should appreciate your Jesuit education
By Victoria Tralies, ’18, and Brittany Swift ’20
A: Ad majorem dei gloriam
This renowned phrase translates from Latin to “for the greater glory of God.” Whether this has impacted you on a spiritual level or inspired you to act for the greater good, this motto will stick with you through life. Always remember your larger goal and purpose as you move forward.
B: Barbelin Hall
Barbelin is more than just a building; it is a centripetal part of our campus that reminds us that Saint Joseph’s University was originally founded in 1851. This graduating class will not be our first, or our last, and legacy of being a Hawk will remain with you for the rest of your life.
C: Cura personalis
Cura personalis, the Latin phrase meaning “care for the whole person,” is an important value integral to each part of our St. Joe’s experience. Learning begins both in and outside the classroom; the value of our education is not equated with our final grades but how much we have grown as students and people of a Jesuit institution. St. Joe’s empowers both our hearts and minds to create change in the world and do good.
D: Division I Athletics
St. Joe’s offers many levels of sports, from intramural, club and even Division 1 athletics. Our basketball team especially draws enthusiastic crowds and proud Hawks. Our men’s basketball team even won the Atlantic 10 Championships twice during our current graduates’ time here: in 2014 and 2016. All of our sports deserve a hand for all their hard work though.
E: Experiential Learning
The many opportunities on and off campus have already allowed you to gain some insight on the professional world from internships, service learning, study abroad and more. You’ll be thankful for the practical applications that the Jesuit missions ensured during your time here.
F: Faith-Justice Institute
We are all encouraged to examine the divides and tensions with a mindset of how we can promote justice. The faith aspect of our university encourages a spiritual search for promoting social justice in the world, but there are also secular approaches to these issues as well. Our commitment to the community will allow you to enter the professional world with a better understanding of how to stand up for the rights of all.
G: Gratitude
Gratitude is an act of humility practiced through community service and our university mission. It can lead us to empowerment as we use our college diplomas to establish justice in communities and share opportunities we received.
H: Haub School of Business
Valued for its roots in teaching ethical business practices, the Erivan K. Haub School of Business is nationally renowned. Senior business graduates will be leaving these halls with prestigious degrees in a competitive field. Business Hawks, use this privilege wisely. The pairing of a widely respected business-education and ethical practices is powerful and so crucial in a world with times of conflict.
I: Ignatius
Saint Ignatius of Loyola represents a role model for how we should lead our lives. Education has been a priority, so we should take our liberal arts experience and apply it to the problems we face in the future. If we can all work towards education and understanding like Saint Ignatius did, then we will be able to expand our compassion for others.
J: Jesuit
The Society of Jesus has shaped the way we learned due to their appreciation of education. They’ve held us to high standards both academically and morally, but we’ll be able to take our experiences with us to conquer any challenge in life.
K: Kinney Center
The Kinney Center for Autism Education and Support relates to the St. Joe’s mission of supporting the community. Not only does the Kinney Center provide a space for students to work firsthand as mentors, but the center also encourages those with autism spectrum disorder to also experience the magis.
L: Liberal Arts
Regardless of your major, class schedule or year it’s hard to forget that St. Joe’s is a liberal arts school and for good reason, too. The ability to take tests, manage extracurriculars and appreciate the deeper meaning of artistry are just small parts of what makeup St. Joe’s graduates. Open a novel, analyze some Warhol and bask in the bounty that a liberal arts school has offered you.
M: Magis
Our motto tells us to do “more” and “live greater.” This Jesuit ideal encourages us to dream big and accomplish more than we even thought possible. Even if we find obstacles in the future, the magis will remind us to think creatively for a solution. Don’t become discouraged, because your education will help you achieve more than you might think.
N: Nicoletti
Nicoletti Music Studio provides students with a place to practice music. As a liberal arts school, St. Joe’s encourages students to explore their creative instincts and follow their passions. The music department features a few professors from Juilliard, providing a welcoming and experienced environment for students to take part in music on campus.
O: Office of Inclusion and Diversity
The Office of Inclusion and Diversity may have been updated only this past year, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been around for long. Originally titled the Office of Multicultural Life, it has continued to offer a sense of both inclusivity and warmth to the entire university. We hope the Class of 2017 continues to reflect such positive values in the communities they enter post graduation day.
The Philadelphia Service Immersion Program (PSIP) may have been how you started your St. Joe’s experience. The four day pre-freshman year experience is a way for students to become active community service volunteers in the Philadelphia area, while also becoming acclimated to campus life. Take a minute to be thankful for the breather you got before your four years. It may just give you a little perspective.
Q: Quest for Knowledge
The hunger to learn more and do more may have been what started your journey at St. Joe’s, and we certainly hope that same fire and zeal have stayed with you throughout your stay. Sometimes, all of us get a little lost on this greater quest that we have embarked on, but graduation day is a reminder of such accomplishments.
R: Reverence
Reverence has a spiritual aspect, though not all of us may have practiced throughout the daily grind here on Hawk Hill. Just as you can have reverence for a sacred space, you can also have it for an event or even an accomplishment. By definition, reverence calls us to “regard or treat with deep respect.” We ask you to hold these diplomas and yourselves with such reverence. Graduating from college is a privilege only some have access to. Use your knowledge fervently, but wisely in the greater world outside these walls.
S: Social Justice
The many opportunities on campus to pop the ‘college bubble’ have allowed us a taste of the social justice issues that we need to remember as we move past the college days. We must do our part in speaking up for those who require justice—whether it’s encouraging religious toleration, accepting those of any race or tearing down the barriers between social classes. We’re all part of the same community and need to work together to promote change.
There’s nothing like relishing in the school spirit that St. Joe’s will always offer. From the early days of Hawk Hosts jumping in your car during orientation to graduation, take our pride to the professional world. Rely on on our fellow Hawks for help, and remember the hawk will never die.
U: Unity
We’re a unified school, a body of individuals and a family of learners. From the beginning of your St. Joe’s experience, you inherited the ties of Hawk pride and the bonds of a Jesuit education that will remain with you for the rest of your life. We are unified in hearts and minds and appreciative of other unique identities. This feeling of graduation will carry with you and be what makes you an active citizen of the world, ultimately bringing together others in community for the rest of your lives.
V: Vision
St. Joe’s mission statement calls us to be engaged and make ethical decisions. As Millennials, we hopefully envision a future where we can overcome the current tensions that divide our country. Of course there will always be obstacles, but all we can do is lead our lives with care for others and fight for the future we want to live in.
W: Weekly Service
The SJU Weekly Service program, affiliated with Campus Ministry, offers students a chance to connect with our fellow Philadelphian neighbors. Students are encouraged to consider the impact of their actions and reflect upon the social justice mission.
X: Xavier
Xavier Hall is a house on Lapsley Lane, our favorite picturesque road at St. Joe’s. Not far from its entry way is Jordan Hall and Saint Albert’s, along with Claver House and the Women’s Center. These may be tucked back on the Lower Merion side of campus, but each offers a little sense of home to students.
Y: Youth
Youth, in itself, is ultimately ephemeral. At the end of the day, it will not stop or yield. So we hear the classic “enjoy youth while it lasts”; instead, we call you to use youth as a vehicle to live out your mission. Discernment is not over—it is just beginning.
Z: Zeal
From Hawk pride to bonding over service, St. Joe’s has taught us to approach everything with enthusiasm. Life is about being “with and for others,” so we should all take a moment to appreciate the present. Graduation is exciting, but don’t forget to take this eagerness with you wherever you go.