I have stopped asking people for directions to places they have never been.
Read that again.
Often, individuals seek advice or affirmation from people who have never walked a mile in their shoes. Logically, this does not make sense.
If I wanted to go on vacation, I would never consult someone who has never been to that destination, right? Therefore, why do we go to people who have never experienced the fears, anxieties, worries and thoughts that we face?
I will never know how to answer that question, but I can assume that it comes from seeking validation from others or fitting into places that do not accommodate our unique sizes and differences—literally and figuratively.
In my past, I found myself always seeking validation and approval. I was never comfortable making my own decisions because I was afraid I would let someone down: my parents, my friends, my family or myself. I was on the last part of the list because everyone seemed to be more important. Their opinion always meant more.
This flawed way of thinking dictated my life until I began to live intuitively integrative.
I discovered that it didn’t matter what I did. If I was following my intuition and where God led me, God would provide me with circumstances far richer and greater than I could have prayed for.
Intuitively integrative means to integrate God into all aspects of your life. It means leaning onto your faith as the compass to nourish, care, nurture and protect yourself. When we learn how to find God in all things, we can recognize the Holy Spirit lives within us, if we believe in God.
Like Jesus said, the Spirit will be with us forever (1 Corinthians 6:19). Therefore, as a child of God, I have confidence that He will never leave me or forsake me.
I know that when I am intuitively integrative with myself, I know that my faith is bigger than my fear in all aspects of my life.
Living an intuitively integrative life is not simple. It is far from perfect, and takes time to fully understand what it means for each individual person. However, when I think about how I can be more intuitively integrative, I recognize that through this imperfection and practice, I am growing into who I am supposed to become.
When we stop asking people for directions to places they have never been, we are able to call on God to ask Him where He intends us to go. God already knows the places you have been and all the places you will go. Will you follow His direction?
Intuitively Integrative holds a special place in my heart—from being the title of my very own podcast to also being the mantra I hold every day when I wake up. Learning how to be my most authentic self and exactly who God intended me to be has given me a new purpose, a new mission, new intention, to glorify God in all that I do so He can guide me and my intuitively integrative life.