Learning the art of time management as a senior
Being a commuter at St. Joe’s has felt like being in constant motion. I’m always either going somewhere or getting ready to go somewhere. Oftentimes, when I get up in the morning to leave my house, it feels like I just got home.
When my classes are done for the day, I wish I didn’t have to leave for the night. I have to make strategic decisions about what events I’m willing to be on campus for, and what clubs and activities I’m able to devote my time to.
All of this can be quite exhausting. In my senior year, I’m finally coming to terms with the fact that I still don’t have it all together.
Although I may be a senior, I struggle with time management. While there are many different academic and support resources on our campus, it’s safe to say that not every student that needs help asks for it, including myself.
I often hesitate to use certain resources because of the extra commitment to be on campus in order to take advantage of them, which leads to more stress and more disorganization.
As the years have passed, classes have gotten harder, but I’m also doing more activities than ever before. Any students like myself have no choice but to work hard and maintain a certain GPA in order to keep their scholarships, which can also be stressful.
Commuters can often feel left out of the campus community, so I’ve put together a list of tips, including some that I have found helpful, that might make things a little easier for commuters when it comes to time management and being successful.

Avoid procrastination.
This can be hard if you’re in the habit of putting things off until the last minute, but if you stick with it, it will get better. Try using apps that increase your productivity, like a pomodoro timer, which helps to manage your time when performing certain tasks. Make a list, and focus on sticking to it. Think about how much better you’ll feel after having completed a few items on your to-do list.
Plan everything… including meals.
If you’re like me, you hate thinking about what you’re going to eat and when you’re going to sleep. If you’re struggling to balance classes, activities and homework, eating and sleeping can easily fall to the bottom of your priority list. Using meal and sleep planning apps might be something worth trying.
Use resources on campus.
I often hear faculty and staff suggesting to students to use certain resources, but no one can actually make those students go. We are all in charge of our own lives. Use as many of the free resources that are on campus as you can.
Talk to someone.
Making connections can be difficult, especially if you’re an introvert. But if you actually put yourself out there, you might be pleasantly surprised. Ask a classmate how they manage their time or go to your professor’s office hours; they really do care about you and want you to succeed.
Prioritize the essentials.
When you’re not eating or sleeping enough, it can be hard to function. Use apps to help you remember to put yourself first. Mute notifications and just sit in silence. Meditation can also help to clear the mind.
Take a break from social media.
Habits can be hard to break, and when you have some time between classes, it can be easy to fall into the habit of checking social media. This involves a lot of discipline, but the benefits might pay off. Try switching out distracting apps like Twitter and Snapchat for productive apps.
Simple Habit and other meditation apps can help you stop feeling so overwhelmed. ZenScreen can also help you manage the time you spend on social media.
Find your drive (pun intended).
Getting to campus early or staying later is an extra hassle, but if you find something that you are passionate about, it might just be worth the commitment. Figure out what you care about and focus on devoting your energy to that.
Commuting is hard, but I have been intentionally stepping out of my comfort zone and making an effort to be more involved on campus. Don’t be afraid of failure. If you think you started this year on the wrong foot, you are not alone.
Whether you’re a first-year student struggling to adjust, or a senior like me who still doesn’t have their life together, just remember that it’s not about how you start, it’s about how you finish.