The St. Joe’s University Student Senate continues to be disappointed by the lack of respect for human rights and dignities shown on our campus. Although discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation may not be explicitly granted in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, we should hold ourselves to a higher standard.
The St. Joe’s mission statement asserts that we strive “to be an inclusive and diverse community that educates and cares for the whole person.” We are not caring for the whole person if we dictate who it is acceptable to love. We are not caring for the whole person if we ask people to hide a part of their identity from the world.
When we shut people out for being different from ourselves, we are not “pursuing social justice and finding God in all things.” Instead, we are creating a toxic environment that stifles growth.
The situation that our community faces is not easy. There are very real and raw emotions involved. We feel your hurt, confusion, love and anger. We pledge to continue to support students in any way possible. We are currently working on a number of projects to address homophobia and discrimination on campus and promise that our words will be followed by action.
The Student Senate is here to support you. Please reach out or visit us during office hours to share your thoughts, or action steps that you would like to see taken. We will release more updates on the situation soon and are always here to assist any students and organizations with their efforts. We stand with you.
—University Student Senate