The role of the student is never shed in life, no matter how many years has passed since one has been in school or how many degrees one has already earned. The professors of St. Joe’s are embodying this idea as they take the Inclusive Pedagogy Learning Community for Faculty professional course.
St. Joe’s student body changes with each induction of first-year students into the Hawk cast, necessitating various academic approaches to ensure scholastic success. Unwavering teaching styles that appeal to a cookie-cutter learning style can only ensure the success of those who fit that unyielding mold. To remove that mold and allow for differing methods, shifting philosophies and more accommodating standards is to understand that we live in a world of individuals that have different learning styles.
The benefit of this professional development series does not stop with benefiting only the students directly taught by the professors who participate. The people whom we students interact with will unknowingly experience more inclusive synergy. The professors themselves are exposed to diverse learning styles and content to influence their interpersonal communications.
St. Joe’s campuses are subject to physical changes that will visibly alter what we know as Hawk Hill and the University City Campus in the next five years. The internal experience of St. Joe’s is also subject to change due to the incoming individuals that will populate our campuses and the professors that will cultivate their collegiate experience. By taking the professional course about inclusive pedagogy, professors at St. Joe’s can embrace the differences of each and every student and teach in effective ways that acknowledge the variety of learning styles.