The third annual Day of Dialogue is upon us! While some students may view it as a free day off from classes, it’s much more than that. The day serves as a way for the St. Joe’s community to engage in dialogue about important but sometimes overlooked topics such as diversity, inclusion and representation.
The importance of the Day of Dialogue cannot be overstated. By attending Day of Dialogue and being attentive in the sessions, you are showing up to do the work and are committing to wanting to improve the greater community of St. Joe’s. Attending a session might be something “forced” upon you by your professors, but attending the events of the day should never be seen as a burden. Rather, they are all great opportunities that can educate and enlighten you on subject matters that we don’t always get to discuss in our regular day to day lives. Day of Dialogue is a great place to engage in these conversations, which we need to have as a community. Once you start the conversation, you can begin to make change in the world.
Being a part of Day of Dialogue while it’s still in the formative years is a privilege as we get to see all the ways in which it blooms from year to year. We should all embrace this unique opportunity and show up with open minds, ready to engage.