Whether it’s with someone we know or a blind date, new romances can open doors for us that we never expected. After being burned in the past by exes and failed situationships, we might tend to push away the idea of what could come out of a new relationship. But, in reality, that might be the most exciting part of starting something new — having a blank slate.
New relationships and first dates are a whirlwind of emotions. We can be nervous to meet someone new, maybe afraid that we have to let them down easily if it isn’t meant for us or excited that something might bloom. With these emotions, though, come the excruciating anxiety of what might come out of it. … Well, for me at least.
Personally, I have a lot of anxiety surrounding what might happen if a relationship ends or if a person isn’t my “soulmate.” The only way out of that fear, is to push through. If we don’t push past those fears and worries, then we might not get the experiences and the love that we desire so badly. Yes, relationships don’t always last, and that is an extremely frightening thought, but the relationships that we decide to jump into teach us all something.
Maybe we learn how to let somebody love us a tiny bit more than we love them, change behaviors stemming from anxious attachment, or even just how to respect ourselves more. Because, to be completely honest, a lot of us have to take a step back from a relationship to see where our standards lie. That’s the best time to determine if a person is treating us above that standard and not a penny less.
The point that I want to make is that, yes, new relationships and first dates are so scary, but if someone decides to leave or if you aren’t meant for that person, then that is completely okay. We just have to let our hearts out of their cages so that we can see where the tide takes us, even if it ends in the opposite direction of what we want. Life hits us with tumultuous highs and lows, but the best thing that we can do for ourselves is to just keep pushing and see what might come out of it. Because, right around the corner, we might find someone we would die for, or even better, someone who would die for us.