Rachel Becker, J.D., assumed the role of interim director of Title IX and Equity Compliance Jan. 27 after having previously served as St. Joe’s Title IX & Equity investigator. Prior to arriving at St. Joe’s in 2022, Becker worked as a pro bono lawyer for Laurel House, a domestic violence center in Montgomery County, and served as an assistant district attorney in Montgomery County. The Hawk spoke with Becker to learn more about her life and her time at St. Joe’s.
What drew you to work in Title IX?
I have always had professional goals of aiding the communities I am a part of and using my academic and personal skills to do that. I believe that Title IX & Equity requires ensuring that there is a positive environment on campus in relation to discrimination and harassment, and in that vein, I find that it is a natural progression [in] my professional path.
As the new interim director, what do you plan to bring to this role?
I plan to bring an open mind and understanding to this role. When you are speaking with members of the SJU community regarding sensitive and personal matters, it is imperative that everyone feels heard and that the proper processes are being followed to address an incident. I hope that anyone I meet with, regardless of whether they choose to initiate a formal resolution process with our office, feels they are receiving the support they need.
What would you say to students who aren’t aware of your office and its purposes?
I would say come by and don’t be afraid to ask. I truly am open to meeting with anyone who is curious or has a question about our office. While we must follow policies and procedures, our office often provides supportive resources to students, faculty and staff affected by prohibited conduct.
What is your favorite thing about St. Joe’s?
The community is so welcoming. I found that almost immediately, even in the summer time when I started, no one was afraid to come up and introduce themselves. I truly believe everyone here wants to help make St. Joe’s a positive place for anyone who sets foot on campus.
What’s one thing people might not know about you?
I want to write a novel, but haven’t started it officially yet.
If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you absolutely not be able to live without?
If I’m on an island obviously sunglasses (and multiple pairs if that isn’t breaking the rules of this question), some very long books (I’m envisioning Anna Karenina even though it’s not really a beach read) and my family. I think my three kids could keep me busy until help arrived.
Who are you rooting for this Super Bowl?
No brainer, raised in Montgomery County it has to be the Eagles. Go Birds!